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Some may say I’m lucky... See, I’m healthy, I take no daily medication, I’m mentally, emotionally, and financially stable, I have a beautiful, loving family, amazing friends, great job, cozy home, reliable transportation, never missing a meal, blooming brand, bomb clients, and the list goes on! But I say nope, that ain't it! I don't even believe in luck! So, what is it? What's so special about me?!

Welp, the truth is I am a child of god and he takes care of his own. I'm blessed and highly favored and I expect nothing less!

Listen, favor ain't fair, but it's free!

You have to get aligned to receive.

Expect great things.

Expect blessings.

Expect favor.

Where your faith leads, your blessings will follow.

I just wanna say, being a blogger just fits so well with my calling as an evangelist, lol! Thank you God for confirmation and understanding. Okay y'all, so I really tried to keep this post short and sweet, but I just get so excited about god, so bear with me (referring to number four! Lol)! There are more to come, but today I just wanna share a few tips to help live your best life on this god walk! Trust me, if you're reading this, this is for you!



Just look around you, I bet you see so many signs of the favor of God on your life, today alone. Some big and some small, from the birth of a healthy, beautiful baby, to a new career, all the way down to free lunch on a day you forgot yours, or a front parking spot at Kroger or Walmart on day it's raining cats and dogs! All of those things are favor! I know it's soooo easy to be distracted and ignore these things, but we must make a conscious effort to acknowledge them and know that our heavenly father got our back. It honors God when we stop, recognize, and thank him for his goodness. We must train ourselves to say (literally say it out loud) when God does something in our lives, "wow, that was nothing but the favor of God!". It's just something about hearing it, it just makes you believe it even more! We are highly favored, ya'll!


Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. We have to believe and trust god completely. We can't pick and choose what we want to trust god for. My mom always tells me, "you can't trust him to heal you, but not trust him with your finances." it just doesn't make sense. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god (Romans 10:17). As we spend time in the promises of god, regarding the favor of god, our faith and confidence in this area will grow. Expect it, believe it, and receive it ya'll!

Romans 10:17 New International Version (NIV)

17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.


I am living proof that when you confess you are favored by God, you see a lot of God’s favor manifest in your life! On the other hand, I also see people who go around speaking negativity on their lives, and they see less favor manifesting in their lives. Our words are so powerful you guys! According to Romans 10:9-10, confession brings possession in general, which is how we got saved in the first place. My point is, we have to be intentional and consciously confess the favor of God over our lives throughout the day. Be bold and declare that you are blessed and highly favored by God!

Romans 10:9-10 New International Version (NIV)

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


So, here's the thing, God has already done everything it takes for you and me to be fully cared for while we’re living here on earth. According to 2 Peter 1:2-4, He has provided every blessing—health, prosperity, peace of mind, joy, deliverance from sin and everything that pertains to our good life. All we have to do is be ready to receive it!

Unfortunately, many of us prolong the receiving process by thinking waiting on God is all it takes, but let’s be clear, God is waiting on us and God wants to bless us, and God is always searching for someone to bless! 2 chronicles 16:9 tells us, “The eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” (KJV). No worries, perfect doesn’t mean someone who never makes a mistake, because if that was the case we would all be screwed. Perfect means loyal, devoted and faithful.

If you have been slow to receive the favor of God, then today I pray that you examine your heart and relationship with Him. Are you trusting God completely? Are you studying his word and what He says about your current situation? Are you expecting favor and blessings despite what you can see? Are you trustworthy and ready and willing to receive God’s favor and blessings?

You may be in need of a job or looking for a better one, maybe even looking to buy a new home, you are not alone. Believe God for favor over that new job or that new home. Do some research and find scriptures that pertain to faith, blessings, and God's promises for us and speak them over that job or house. Walk in there expecting great things and be ready to receive and witness his favor! There may be others that look better on paper than you do or meet more of the qualifications, maybe even have a better credit score than you, but if that job, car, or home is for you, it's yours! There's been plenty of times when there were others that appeared more qualified for the job, or house, or car, but they always say, "it's just something about you!". And guess what?!? That something is the favor of God and I will always give him the glory because I am nothing without him!

2 Peter 1:2-4 New King James Version (NKJV)

2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

You guys I know it's not easy, especially when we are in the middle of all hell breaking loose, but believe me, you can do it! Every day declare what the bible says: “God encompasses me with favor like a shield. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I am favored of god” (from psalm 5:12, KJV)! Don't you ever forget that you are covered in favor and there is something about you!


Please be aware that the enemy will try to make you feel ashamed and even guilty of the blessings and the favor of God. Don't fall for it! There was a time when I received blessings and was actually ashamed to tell or show others. Sounds crazy right?! But I was really concerned with what people might think or say. For example, when I was not working, whenever someone would bless me with something expensive, I would be ashamed to let others, who knew my situation or in my same situation, see it. It was like I felt guilty for being blessed. Crazy right?! I know, but try me now! I'm so quick to give God the glory and tell my testimony! Now I’m not saying walk around flashy and extra, drawing attention to yourself, but don’t be ashamed of the favor of God in your life either. Don't you ever feel like you aren't worthy or deserve to be blessed! Any part of your salvation or redemption that you are ashamed of is a part that you cannot receive. We are trying to receive it all y'all!

That wasn't too bad right, lol? What are some ways you live your best life on this God walk? Drop them in the comment section below! Lastly, I just want to thank you so much for reading my blog and loving and supporting me! So, with that being said, my brothers and sisters, there truly is something on you and it’s the blessing and the favor of God! it's all over me and you! So, I speak nothing but favor, grace, mercy, blessings, and good things over you until next time, love you so much!

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